So what happens when you email this person a few times and get no response?
Does this mean they have no interest in working with you?
Are they getting annoyed by your messages?
Why don’t they just respond already?!
Often, your email just slips through the cracks. They’re not trying to be rude or send you any negative messages, but they are often just as overwhelmed with daily tasks as you are.
Still, you don’t want to pester, right?
Here’s what you can say to put the ball back in their court and nearly guarantee a response:
“Hi there (insert name),
I hope you’ve received my emails over the past couple of weeks.
Since I haven’t heard back, I’ll assume that your priorities have changed since we last talked.
I can certainly understand how things get hectic from time to time!
When you’re ready to move forward with our project and chat some more, I’m here.
Until then, I wish you the best of luck.”
This message kindly lets them know that you’ve noticed their silence, and leaves the ball in their court to move forward. Just the fact that you’re calling them out on their silence is often enough to get a response with some sort of explanation, and then the conversation can continue from there. If this person truly isn’t interested in working with you, this gives them a professional approach to part ways. And if that’s the case, then you won’t waste more time and stress over a client or contact that isn’t a good fit!
Are you looking for more email templates? I have you covered! You can find a full set of email templates for each step of a client project in The Grove Shop.